Centuries ago in the land of Pasundan there was once an empire called the "Nagara Puntang" Kingdom which was named after a mountain located within the territory of this kingdom.

This is reinforced by the discovery of several inscriptions stating the establishment of the kingdom of Puntang. Unfortunately until now there has not been a single expert who carried out further research on the existence of the Puntang Kingdom.

Mount Puntang itself is included in the Malabar mountain complex at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level (masl), extending in southern part of Bandung.

The Malabar mountain region is a group of several mountains, including Mount Malabar (2328 masl), Mount Puntang (2223 masl), and Puncak Besar Mountain.

Mount Puntang is located in the Gamblok village area, Cimaung Village, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency. This mountain presents an enchanting natural landscape. Cool air, coupled with various historical stories in it.

Mount Puntang has become one of the historic mountains in Bandung, because there is a remains of the past Dutch lodge, Dutch’s cave, which once was the base of a colonial radio transmitter station better known as Malabar radio to spread the word throughout the world.

Mount Puntang has four peaks, namely Mega, Puntang, Haruman and Malabar. So it is not uncommon for people to call their four names as a single entity to designate the mountainous region.

Bandung is indeed a city full of historical value. Mount Puntang is often used as a campsite by college or high school students doing camping activities. This place is often chosen because the place is not too far away. Besides being used for camping, Mount Puntang is also often used as a natural tourist spot.

Here you will find a Dutch cave, river, and a waterfall (Siliwangi waterfall/curug). To get to Siliwangi waterfall, you must climb Mount Puntang with a distance of 3.5 km from the location of the “Kolam Cinta” (Pond of Love). The distance is quite far because it must be traveled by foot. The camping area at Mount Puntang is located about 1 km from the guard post. You will be presented with a fairly steep cliff with a beautiful view here, especially if the scenery is clear. But sometimes the view is blocked by a thin fog. On this campsite you can also take a break and enjoy typical Bandung food and drinks such as puntang coffee.


In 1917-1929 the Dutch East Indies government established a Malabar radio station. Malabar Radio was a radio transmitter founded by the Dutch East Indies in 1917 with the aim of being a means of communication between Indonesia as a colony, formerly called the Netherlands Indies and the Dutch Colonial government.

In the process of establishment, the radio was first led by a technician from the Netherlands named Dr. Cornelius Johannes de Groot who successfully lead all of its construction and was inaugurated on May 5, 1923 by the Governor of the Dutch East Indies at that time namely Dirk Fock.

Later Malabar radio opened a public communication service for Dutch citizens living in Indonesia and then created a famous phrase at that time, "Hallo Bandung".

Radio Malabar was a historical achievement in the development of world radio at the time, but unfortunately almost nobody wrote it until a site on the internet said that this radio was the "World's Most Powerful Arc Transmitter Ever".

With all the capabilities available at that time, communication to the Netherlands which was more than 12 thousand kilo meters was successful and became the first wireless communication in the world that could reach distances between continents.

This station is purely a transmitter, while the receiving station is in the Padalarang area (15 KM) and in Rancaekek (18 KM).

While its source of the electricity was produced from several hydropower plants specially built by the Netherlands at that time, namely the Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) in the North Dago area, the PLTA in Dayeuh Kolot and the PLTA in Pangalengan, completed with its distribution network only to meet the needs of Malabar radio.

Furthermore Malabar Radio can actually be said to be the beginning point of the history of various modern communication activities in Indonesia, in its history, the communication network involving Malabar Radio also contributed to the background of the organization called PTT (Posts – Telegraafend – Telefoon), which became the forerunner to the establishment of PT. Telkom Indonesia and PT. Pos Indonesia.

In addition to the transmitting station at this location, many other buildings were built which were used as office complexes and official houses. In that area there is a pond that is named Pond of Love (Kolam Cinta), because the shape of the pool is in the shape of the symbol of love. This place is a favorite place of Dutch Gentlemen and Ladies.


One of the things that makes this local coffee increasingly known to the world was its success to become the champion at the 2016 international coffee festival, in the city of Atlanta, United States.

Coffee planted on Mount Puntang is the best type of Arabica beans, including red bourbon and yellow catura types. Planted by approximately 150 local farmers in an area of ​​400 hectares with an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level.

"Sunda Gulali" coffee is a nickname for the type of coffee from Mount Puntang, the sweet and slightly sour character of the coffee, very fitting combined in the tongue. If tasted more, the coffee has the taste of local fruits, such as bananas, guava, and jackfruit.

  • Jl. Gn. Puntang, Campakamulya, Kec. Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40374
  • Business Hours : 08.00 am - 05.00 PM
  • © Copyright 2020 Taman Wisata Bougenville

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